Our Classes
SEEDling (0-12 months)
This class is for birth to 12 months old. It is an on demand classroom. They follow their own individual schedule. The focus in this class is on nurturing and enhancing their communication skills with baby sign language.
ROOTster (12-18 months)

This class is for children 12-18 months. It is our shortest age span because so much growing happens in this room. It’s a huge transition room. The children reach many benchmarks. They transition from a crib to a cot, from bottles to cups, and from puréed food to table food. They begin moving toward a more set schedule that includes large and small group activities.
Little SPROUT (18-36 months)

This classroom is for toddlers. They focus on potty training when the family is ready for it. They learn to use their language to communicate with their peers and teachers. It is the first classroom that focuses a lot of attention to meeting benchmarks in education.
BUDdy (3 years)

This is our first preschool classroom. In this class they learn to care for their own needs a little more. They focus on Language, Mathematics and Manipulatives, Science, Social-Emotional concepts, and Literacy. The curriculum is based on activities planned to teach the state standards for early childhood. The teacher uses the interests of the children to develop experiences to reach each child at their young academic level.
SUNFLOWER (4 years)
This is our second year of preschool. They focus on Language, Mathematics and Manipulatives, Science, Social-Emotional concepts, and Literacy. The curriculum is based on activities planned to teach the state standards for early childhood. The teacher uses the interests of the children to develop experiences to reach each child at their young academic level.

Little FLOWER (5 years)
We are a licensed preschool. This class is focused on preparing each child for Kindergarten. Final assessments through Early Learning Assessment are completed and allow the parents to see their child’s level of readiness for elementary school. ASQ and ASQ-SE is the tool used to screen the children. If a child is in need of extra assistance, the teacher will make a referral to one of our community partners for further testing and individualized education plans. Graduation from this class is in June.
BLOSSOMer (School age)

This class is before and after school and during school breaks. They focus on socialization and cooperation. A student may attend this class until they reach 13 years of age.